Medina Charter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Pluralism

By: Sean William White How the Medina Charter Promoted Peace and Pluralism The Medina Charter serves as an example of finding resolution in a dispute where peace and pluralism were achieved not through military successes or ulterior motives but rather through respect, acceptance, and denunciation of war —aspects that [...]

2024-06-30T10:41:10+00:00December 20th, 2014|Islam and Other Faiths, Prophet Muhammad|

Interfaith Action On Hunger: A Shared Obligation

By: J. Andreas Hipple Interfaith Collaboration to End Hunger: A Moral Imperative With more than 1 billion undernourished people – many of them children – across the globe, hunger is a problem that affects all religions and nationalities. The roots of hunger are as diverse as the communities that it [...]

2023-07-06T18:14:47+00:00December 11th, 2014|Charity, Islam and Other Faiths, Society, Zakat|
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