The Most Beautiful Names of Allah: A Study of His Mercy and Compassion
Allah has described Himself in the Quran through His Names and Attributes. Muslims believe that studying these Names and Attributes is one of the most effective ways of strengthening one’s relationship with God. Each Name and Attribute nourishes a kind of consciousness and humility in man and their study leads one to constantly better their actions.
“The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on Him by them.” (Quran, 7:180)
How to Choose the Right Name of Allah to Call Upon
Muslims are asked to call upon God during their supplications by the most appropriate names that relate to what they are asking for. For example, if one is seeking forgiveness from God for a sin they have committed, they would call upon Him by His name “Al-Ghaffar,” meaning “The Ever Forgiving.” If one is asking for peace and tranquility in their life while experiencing a period of tension, they would call on God by His name “As-Salaam,” meaning “The Ultimate Source of Peace.”
The table below captures an approximate translation of Allah’s names. We have chosen to provide some commentary on His names relating to Mercy. However, each of the names listed could be the subject of its own article.
God’s Names Relating to Mercy
The primary Names of Allah specifically dealing with Mercy are Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim. These two names frequently occur together in the Qur’an. They are both derived from the same root word rahmah which means mercy and also has elements of sympathy, kindness, gentleness, compassion and love intertwined with it. As with all the Names of Allah, these are Names of majesty and perfection. Allah therefore manifests these qualities to the most perfect level with His Creation. Ar-Rahman signifies a flood of mercy that covers us and is endless.
The mercy we see in this world which Allah has put among His Creation is just a hundredth of all His Mercy. Examples of mercy that we see in His creation includes the love a mother has for her child (human and otherwise), the eyes with which we are able to see, the food which we are provided to consume, the generosity and kindness we show to others.
Can we image what life would be like if these things, that we often take for granted, did not exist? When we realize that this is only a small portion of His Mercy, we learn to better appreciate (although we cannot comprehend) the extent of His Mercy. The other 99 parts are for the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter, when God provides shade for the believers, makes their accounting easy, and admits them to Paradise.
There is No Sin That God Cannot Forgive
God’s Mercy comes before and prevails over His Anger. We take refuge in His Mercy from His Wrath.
877-Why-Islam presents a question that many people ask – Why can’t all good people go to heaven? This question makes several assumptions. Watch this video for an answer by Nouman Ali Khan.
“Say: O my servants who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful” (Quran, 39:53).
Allah’s name “Al-Ghaffar,” meaning “The Ever Forgiving,” is related to His Mercy. If one is sincere in asking for forgiveness from Allah, there is no sin that it too great for Him to forgive. When asking for forgiveness, a person would ask directly of God and there is no intermediary or religious cleric that would intervene. Islam has the principle that one has a direct relationship with God and one should learn to have dependence, faith and trust in Him for all their affairs. (Learn more: Concept of God in Islam)
People Will Enter Paradise By the Mercy of God
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said that no man’s good deeds are alone enough to get him admitted into Paradise, but it is only by the Mercy of God that people will enter Paradise. Our deeds are a tool to get close to God to a place where we can be hopeful of His Mercy. (Read more: Life After Death)
Some other Names of Allah that are related to His Mercy (with rough translations) are Al-Karim (the Generous), Al-Halim (the Forbearing), Al-Barr (the Generous), Al-Jawwad (the Bestower of Good), Ar-Rauf (the Kind) and Al-Wahhab (the Bestower).
# | Arabic Transliteration | Translation (can vary based on context) | Quranic Usage |
1 | Ar-Rahman | The All Beneficent, The Most Merciful in Essence, The Compassionate, The Most Gracious | Beginning of every chapter except one, and in numerous other places |
2 | Ar-Rahim | The Most Merciful, The Most Merciful in Actions | Beginning of every chapter except one, and in numerous other places |
3 | Al-Malik | The King, The Sovereign, The True and Ultimate King | 59:23, 20:114 |
4 | Al-Quddus | The Most Holy, The Most Pure, The Most Perfect | 59:23, 62:1 |
5 | As-Salaam | The Peace and Blessing, The Source of Peace and Safety, The Most Perfect | 59:23 |
6 | Al-Mu’min | The Guarantor, The Self Affirming, The Granter of Security, The Affirmer of Truth | 59:23 |
7 | Al-Muhaymin | The Guardian, The Preserver, The Overseeing Protector | 59:23 |
8 | Al-Aziz | The Almighty, The Self Sufficient, The Most Honorable | 3:6, 4:158, 9:40, 48:7, 59:23 |
9 | Al-Jabbar | The Powerful, The Irresistible, The Compeller, The Most Lofty, The Restorer/Improver of Affairs | 59:23 |
10 | Al-Mutakabbir | The Tremendous | 59:23 |
11 | Al-Khaliq | The Creator | 6:102, 13:16, 39:62, 40:62, 59:24 |
12 | Al-Bari’ | The Rightful | 59:24 |
13 | Al-Musawwir | The Fashioner of Forms | 59:24 |
14 | Al-Ghaffar | The Ever Forgiving | 20:82, 38:66, 39:5, 40:42, 71:10 |
15 | Al-Qahhar | The All Compelling Subduer | 13:16, 14:48, 38:65, 39:4, 40:16 |
16 | Al-Wahhab | The Bestower | 3:8, 38:9, 38:35 |
17 | Ar-Razzaq | The Ever Providing | 51:58 |
18 | Al-Fattah | The Opener, The Victory Giver | 34:26 |
19 | Al-Alim | The All Knowing, The Omniscient | 2:158, 3:92, 4:35, 24:41, 33:40 |
20 | Al-Qabid | The Restrainer, The Straightener | 2:245 |
21 | Al-Basit | The Expander, The Munificent | 2:245 |
22 | Al-Khafid | The Abaser | 95:5 |
23 | Ar-Rafi‘e | The Exalter | 58:11, 6:83 |
24 | Al-Mu‘ezz | The Giver of Honour | 3:26 |
25 | Al-Mudhell | The Giver of Dishonour | 3:26 |
26 | As-Sami‘e | The All Hearing | 2:127, 2:256, 8:17, 49:1 |
27 | Al-Basir | The All Seeing | 4:58, 17:1, 42:11, 42:27 |
28 | Al-Hakam | The Judge, The Arbitrator | 22:69 |
29 | Al-`Adl | The Utterly Just | 6:115 |
30 | Al-Lateef | The Subtly Kind | 6:103, 22:63, 31:16, 33:34 |
31 | Al-Khabeer | The All Aware | 6:18, 17:30, 49:13, 59:18 |
32 | Al-Haleem | The Forbearing, The Indulgent | 2:235, 17:44, 22:59, 35:41 |
33 | Al-Azeem | The Magnificent, The Infinite | 2:255, 42:4, 56:96 |
34 | Al-Ghafoor | The All Forgiving | 2:173, 8:69, 16:110, 41:32 |
35 | Ash-Shakoor | The Grateful | 35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 64:17 |
36 | Al-Aliyy | The Sublimely Exalted | 4:34, 31:30, 42:4, 42:51 |
37 | Al-Kabeer | The Great | 13:9, 22:62, 31:30 |
38 | Al-Hafeez | The Preserver | 11:57, 34:21, 42:6 |
39 | Al-Muqeet | The Nourisher | 4:85 |
40 | Al-Hasib | The Reckoner | 4:6, 4:86, 33:39 |
41 | Al-Jaleel | The Majestic | 55:27, 39:14, 7:143 |
42 | Al-Karim | The Bountiful, The Generous | 27:40, 82:6 |
43 | Ar-Raqib | The Watchful | 4:1, 5:117 |
44 | Al-Mujib | The Responsive, The Answerer | 11:61 |
45 | Al-Wasse‘e | The Vast, The All Encompassing | 2:268, 3:73, 5:54 |
46 | Al-Hakeem | The Wise | 31:27, 46:2, 57:1, 66:2 |
47 | Al-Wadud | The Loving, The Kind One | 11:90, 85:14 |
48 | Al-Majeed | The All Glorious | 11:73 |
49 | Al-Ba’ith | The Raiser of The Dead | 22:7 |
50 | Ash-Shaheed | The Witness | 4:166, 22:17, 41:53, 48:28 |
51 | Al-Haqq | The Truth, The Real | 6:62, 22:6, 23:116, 24:25 |
52 | Al-Wakeel | The Trustee, The Dependable | 3:173, 4:171, 28:28, 73:9 |
53 | Al-Qawee | The Strong | 22:40, 22:74, 42:19, 57:25 |
54 | Al-Mateen | The Firm, The Steadfast | 51:58 |
55 | Al-Walee | The Protecting Friend, Patron and Helper | 4:45, 7:196, 42:28, 45:19 |
56 | Al-Hamid | The All Praiseworthy | 14:8, 31:12, 31:26, 41:42 |
57 | Al-Muhsi | The Accounter, The Numberer of All | 72:28, 78:29, 82:10-12 |
58 | Al-Mubdi’ | The Producer, Originator, and Initiator of All | 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13 |
59 | Al-Mu‘id | The Reinstater Who Brings Back All | 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13 |
60 | Al-Muhyi | The Giver of Life | 7:158, 15:23, 30:50, 57:2 |
61 | Al-Mumit | The Bringer of Death, The Destroyer | 3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 57:2 |
62 | Al-Hayy | The Ever Living | 2:255, 3:2, 25:58, 40:65 |
63 | Al-Qayyum | The Self Subsisting Sustainer of All | 2:255, 3:2, 20:111 |
64 | Al-Wajid | The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing | 38:44 |
65 | Al-Majid | The Illustrious, The Magnificent | 85:15, 11:73, |
66 | Al-Wahid | The One, The Unique, Manifestation of Unity | 2:163, 5:73, 9:31, 18:110 |
67 | Al-Ahad | The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible | 112:1 |
68 | As-Samad | The Self Sufficient, The Impregnable, The Eternally Besought of All, The Everlasting |
112:2 |
69 | Al-Qadir | The All Able | 6:65, 36:81, 46:33, 75:40 |
70 | Al-Muqtadir | The All Determiner, The Dominant | 18:45, 54:42, 54:55 |
71 | Al-Muqaddim | The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward | 16:61, 17:34, |
72 | Al-Mu’akhir | The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away | 71:4 |
73 | Al-Awwal | The First | 57:3 |
74 | Al-Akhir | The Last | 57:3 |
75 | Az-Zahir | The Manifest, The All Victorious | 57:3 |
76 | Al-Batin | The Hidden, The All Encompassing | 57:3 |
77 | Al-Waali | The Patron | 13:11, 22:7 |
78 | Al-Muta’ali | The Self Exalted | 13:9 |
79 | Al-Barr | The Most Kind and Righteous | 52:28 |
80 | At-Tawwab | The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting | 2:128, 4:64, 49:12, 110:3 |
81 | Al-Muntaqim | The Avenger | 32:22, 43:41, 44:16 |
82 | Al-‘Afuww | The Pardoner, The Effacer of Sins | 4:99, 4:149, 22:60 |
83 | Ar-Ra’uf | The Compassionate, The All Pitying | 3:30, 9:117, 57:9, 59:10 |
84 | Malik-al-Mulk | The Owner of All Sovereignty | 3:26 |
85 | Dhu-al-Jalaliwa-al-Ikram | The Lord of Majesty and Generosity | 55:27, 55:78 |
86 | Al-Muqsit | The Equitable, The Requiter | 7:29, 3:18 |
87 | Al-Jami‘e | The Gatherer, The Unifier | 3:9 |
88 | Al-Ghani | The All Rich, The Independent | 3:97, 39:7, 47:38, 57:24 |
89 | Al-Mughni | The Enricher, The Emancipator | 9:28 |
90 | Al-Mani’e | The Withholder, The Shielder, the Defender | 67:21 |
91 | Ad-Darr | The Distressor, The Harmer, The AfflictorThis attribute can only be found in hadith | 6:17 |
92 | An-Nafi‘e | The Propitious, The Benefactor | |
93 | An-Nur | The Light | 24:35 |
94 | Al-Hadi | The Guide | 25:31 |
95 | Al-Badi | The Incomparable, The Originator | 2:117, 6:101 |
96 | Al-Baqi | The Ever Enduring and Immutable | 20:73 |
97 | Al-Warith | The Heir, The Inheritor of All | 15:23 |
98 | Ar-Rashid | The Guide, Infallible Teacher and Knower | 2:256 |
99 | As-Sabur | The Patient, The Timeless. |
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