Muslims Reflect on The Inspiring Legacy of Prophet Muhammad
Muslims from all different backgrounds and fields find themselves united on one very essential matter—their love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was a man concerned for our wellbeing in this life and the next more than we are concerned for ourselves. He dedicated his life to spreading the message of God, no matter what torture and torment came upon him as a result. For that, we are ever indebted to him. Muslims try each and every day to walk in his beloved footsteps.
Over the next few weeks, WhyIslam will share conversations we had with Muslims around the United States about what they do and what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) means to them. Below we hear from civil rights lawyer Hassan Shibly, Chief Executive Director of Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Florida, the state chapter of a national organization dedicated to defending Muslim civil liberties. The son of Syrian immigrants, Shibly was raised in Buffalo, New York. Now, he finds himself traveling across the United States and the world to do his work, much of which is inspired by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
In a Few Sentences, Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself
I’m a civil rights lawyer focused on protecting the Muslim community in the United States and helping the Muslim community appreciate both our faith and our freedom to practice our faith and investing in protecting both of those gifts from Allah.
What Motivated You to Do What You Do?
When I was 18, I was attending an Islamic conference. When we were coming back across the border, we were pulled aside for a random inspection. We were all held for about seven hours, interrogated, and treated like criminals. At that point, I realized our liberty to practice our faith in the U.S. was being threatened. Having traveled to the Middle East, I also realized we did enjoy more freedom to practice our faith here than most other places. At that point I realized that essentially the Islamophobia that is out there is used to undermine our freedom in the U.S. and escalate conflict against Muslims globally. Muslims in the United States are in a unique position to fight Islamophobia, and by fighting Islamophobia, we can keep America free for our community, and we can promote peace in the world. That’s what inspired me to go down the path in the work that I do.
How Has The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) Inspired You?
For us to be loved by our Creator, we have to follow the way and example of Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was sent as a mercy to all humanity, to all creation. If we are not a mercy to all creation, if we are not a mercy in our society, in our communities, to our environment, to our world, then we’re not really following his footsteps. I think his life has inspired me to be that source of mercy this world so desperately needs. He was so genuine and so sincere in his message, in his determination, in his sacrifice. Both his example and also the love to be with him—that’s really what inspired the work that I do.
How Do You Apply What The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) Taught You in The Day-to-day Hustle And Bustle of Life? Is There A Specific Story You Can Share?
One of our biggest donors at CAIR Florida, the brother has given almost a million dollars to support our efforts to defend Islam and civil rights in the United States. Once he was talking to somebody about why he decided to support our efforts, and it turns out, the first lecture of mine he attended — I was speaking, I was thirsty, and I wanted to drink water. There was no chair available, and I was standing. Alhamdulillah, all praise due to Allah, Allah gave me the ability to sit down and drink in accordance with the Sunnah, Prophetic way, and then stand back up to continue the lecture. The donor said when he saw the respect of the Sunnah—and we have many faults, and this is just one good thing—he said that’s when he decided that he wants to get behind this organization because of the respect we have for the Sunnah of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Respecting that one Sunnah, which was simply to drink water while sitting, ultimately resulted in about a million dollars in donations to support our efforts to fight for civil rights, for human rights, and fight Islamophobia to protect the Muslim community.
What Keeps You Connected to The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) And Your Religion?
The most important thing is good company of the righteous, company of the scholars. That’s what keeps us grounded—loving the people who are doing the work of religion, loving those who love Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). That company is essential, the daily reflection, the connection with the Quran—the book of Allah which is like an oasis that gives water—that is essential…to reconnect with our purpose. Then of course reading about the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the inspirational stories about his Companions, and how they sacrificed for the religion instead of sacrificing the religion, and how they sacrificed for the Sunnah instead of sacrificing the Sunnah.
What Do You Find Most Touching About The Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be Upon Him) Life or Character?
He had more concern for us than we do for ourselves. He would stand up in the nights in prayer, crying for his community. He always had this passion of wanting to see humanity succeed. Even when it came to those who hurt him the most, who abused him the most, he was still nothing but a mercy.
What Do You Wish More People Knew About The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
Generally, I wish Americans understood that he was the grandchild of Ibrahim, that he was a descendant of Ibrahim, and he came to revive that message of monotheism to all humanity. I think people think he’s some foreign prophet or something. But no, he is a son of Ibrahim.
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